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Polígono Industrial Morea Norte, calle B, nº15

31191 BERIAIN (Navarra) Spain

(+34) 948 31 22 22
(+34) 948 31 22 11

Central office

P.I. Morea Norte C/ B Nave 15

31191 Beriáin (Navarra)

(+34) 948 31 22 22


Downtown area

Avda. Conde de Tomanones 26

Nave N Pol, Miralcampo

19200 Azuqueda de Henares (Guadalajara)

634 619 291

North Zone

Camiones Móviles

20301 Irún (Guipuzcoa)

630 885 101

logo gobierno navarra

This company has received a grant from the government of Navarra with the support of the European Regional Development Fund.

The company Lonas Técnicas de Navarra has carried out a project included in the line of aid for energy saving and efficiency in SMEs and large companies in the industrial sector, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and managed by the IDAE with a to the National Fund for Energy Efficiency, with the aim of achieving a cleaner and more sustainable economy.

This company/organization has received aid co-financed by the Government

of Navarra and the European Regional Development Fund (40%) through the

ERDF Operational Program 2021-2027 of Navarra